【 #童狗在一起 】 狗狗喜愛咀嚼骨頭,我可以把吃剩的骨頭和牠分享嗎? 不要!
因為煮熟的骨頭經咀嚼後,很容易分裂成鋸齒狀,碎片可能會卡住食管,氣管或腸而引起阻塞,造成狗狗窒息,也可能刺破口腔、內臟,導致內部出血或腹部細菌感染,狗狗吃了會有危險! . Dogs love to chew bones. Can we share our leftover bones? NO!!!
Because cooked boned can be splintered into jagged pieces easily through chewing. These jagged splinters can then block the oesophagus, trachea or intestines causing a chocking hazard, or pierce gums and organs if swallowed, causing serious internal damage. Leftover bones are dangerous to our beloved dogs !