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正確接觸新認識狗狗 5 步驟

🐶👧🏻👶🏻「狗狗好可愛❤~ 我家小孩好想摸但又怕他受傷……」👶🏻👧🏻🐶



被狗咬幾乎都是可以避免的,每個大人與小孩都需要了解如何正確與狗狗接觸。我們特別在 Dog Bite Prevention Week 分享幾個重要原則,讓家長一起學習也教導孩子們,哪些舉動狗狗不喜歡,而哪些表現又會受到狗狗歡迎,讓 #童狗在一起 變成愉快而安全的友好經驗!


🐶👧🏻👶🏻 How To Greet A Dog Politely 👶🏻👧🏻🐶


“The dog is so cute ❤! My kid wants to touch him but I am worried she will get hurt…...”


More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States. At least half of those were bitten are children, and 10,600 of them aged two years old or younger. Any dog can bite: big or small, male or female, young or old. Even the cuddliest, fuzziest, sweetest pet can bite if provoked. Remember, it is not a dog's breed that determines whether he or she will bite, it is indeed about how we approach them and respect their will.

Most dog bites are preventable. It is crucial to educate yourself and your children about how—or whether—to approach a dog. Here comes the Dog Bite Prevention Week, the best timing for us to share some Dos & Don’ts, enabling the parents to provide guidance for a safe and pleasant kid-and-dog encounter!



  • 狗家長沒有在旁陪同,或狗家長沒有允許你接觸狗狗

  • 狗狗正在睡覺、進食、玩玩具

  • 狗狗正在生病或受傷

  • 狗狗正在照顧幼犬

  • 狗狗在低吼或吠叫

  • 狗狗看來想獨處,或躲在一角

Dogs bite for a variety of reasons, but most commonly as a reaction to something. Dogs may bite to defend themselves if they are scared, startled or threatened. They may bite to protect something that is valuable to them, like their puppies, food or a toy.

It's important to know how to avoid escalating risky situations and understand when you should and should not interact with dogs. You should avoid petting a dog in these scenarios:

  • If the dog is not with its owner, or the owner does not give permission to pet the dog

  • If a dog is sleeping, eating, playing with a toy

  • If a dog is sick or injured

  • If a dog is resting with her puppies

  • If a dog is growling or barking

  • If a dog appears to be hiding or seeking time alone

步驟 1 ~

✅ 耐心等待狗狗接近

❎ 不要興奮撲向狗狗


How To Greet A Dog Politely

Step 1 ~

✅ Let the dog approach you in his own time

❎ Avoid rushing up or approach too excitedly

Dogs may get frightened if we approach them too suddenly or excitedly. Also not every dog is comfortable with children, especially those being very aware and cautious of strangers. Always ask the dog parent for permission before stroking a dog. Instead of rushing up, you should stop a few steps away, patiently wait for the dog to approach you in his or her own time.

步驟 2 ~

✅ 側對著狗狗,不直視眼睛

❎ 不要正面看著狗,直視眼睛


How To Greet A Dog Politely

Step 2 ~

✅ Present your side to the dog with no direct eye contact.

❎ Avoid leaning over and staring at the dog.

We humans take eye contact as a polite gesture but this is not the case in the dog’s world. They seldom stare at each other, because this can be impolite, or even threatening and cause tension. Dogs may feel stressful and uncomfortable if you do likewise by leaning over and staring at them. Therefore it is best to present your side to the dog and turn your eyes slightly away.

步驟 3 ~

✅ 蹲下,手放膝蓋讓狗認識你

❎ 沒得到狗狗同意,不要主動摸牠


How To Greet A Dog Politely

Step 3 ~

✅ Kneel down with your hand on knee to allow sniffing

❎ Avoid reaching your hand out without having his consent

We are much taller than dogs. Bending towards and staring at them may cause pressure to them. Parents can kneel down with your children in order to shorten the height difference with the dog. Dogs use smell to get to know a person, but instead of reaching your hand out for the dog to sniff, you should keep your hand on your knee which is already sufficient for their sharp nose to gather your smell. Avoid stroking the dog if they have not initiated any greeting.

步驟 4 ~

✅ 狗狗靠近及表示友好 才可以摸

❎ 若狗狗把頭轉開或迴避 就不要勉強


How To Greet A Dog Politely

Step 4 ~

✅ Only pet a dog if he comes up to you and looks relaxed.

❎ Respect and let the dog leave if he avoids and turns his head away.

Even if you get all the above steps right, it does not mean that the dog must want to greet you. Some dogs are naturally shyer which need longer time to warm up and befriend a stranger. We must get their consent before any interaction. You should only pet a dog if he or she looks relaxed, comes up and solicit your attention by leaning over or rubbing against you. If the dog looks tense, avoids you by turning head or body away, please respect that the dog is not ready yet. Let him or her leave, do not force greeting.

步驟 5 ~

✅ 溫柔摸狗身體側面 摸幾下就好

❎ 不要激動抱狗、親狗或拍打頭部


How To Greet A Dog Politely

Step 5 ~

✅ Pet on the side of his body gently, briefly.

❎ Avoid hugging, kissing and patting roughly.

It is fine to pet a dog if he or she looks relaxed and solicits your attention. You may gently pet on the side of their body, on parts like shoulder, chest, head sides etc. Stop after a few strokes and observe the dog’s reaction before continuing. Avoid petting over the head, or hugging and kissing.



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